We have several events scheduled in the South East Mission Center for 2025. Please feel free to mark your calendar with these dates, times and valuable information.
Come for a fun spirit filled weekend that offer educational opportunities, fellowship, worship, and a bit of business.
Guest Ministers: Apostle David Nii
Field Support Minister Moana S. Faana
President of Seventy Larry M. McGuire
Location: Greenville SC Congregation
Friday 7:30PM – Evening Gathering Worship and Fellowship
Saturday 8:30AM – Gathering
9:00 – Devotion
9:30 – Education Session 1
10:30 – Break
10:45 – Education Session 2
11:45 – Lunch
1:00 – Business Meeting
Sustaining of MC officers
Election of World Conference Delegates
Approval of 2025 Budget
3:00 – Break
3:30 – Education Session 3
4:45 – Dinner Break
7:00 – Evening Worship
8:30 – Fellowship
Sunday 9:00AM – Gathering
9:30 – Sharing
10:30 – Morning Communion Service
12:15 – Lunch
1:00 – Cleanup and Depart
Click here to register for Reunion 2024
Location: Nosoca Pines Ranch - 2990 Singleton Creek Rd, Liberty Hill, SC 29074 (map and directions)
Community of Christ members and friends often gather together in fellowship and learning experiences called reunions or family camps. This relaxed and casual atmosphere provides space for spiritual growth, personal discernment, incredible amounts of fun, deeper commitment, new and renewed relationships, and so very much more!
We invite you to come and join us for our annual Reunion experience with our guest ministers.
Please find a pet care option that works for you and come to this event without your pets.
NOTE: Housing is limited, and assigned as registrations arrive (first come, first served).
Event Registration Dates: May 1 - August 18, 2024
Event Cost: Registration fee is $50/adult over 18 (max per family $200). Remaing expenses will be covered through donations.
Payments: PayPal will be used as part of the registration process. You may also make donations under the category SEMC - Reunions (315)
Location: Nosoca Pines Ranch - 2990 Singleton Creek Rd, Liberty Hill, SC 29074
Event Dates: Thursday, August 29st - Monday, September 2th
Check-In begins at: Thursday at 3:00pm and will continue until 11:00pm
Print and complete the Relase Form and Waiver to bring with you.
Dinner is NOT being served Thursday Evening.
The camp theme is "Heal the Earth: A Restoration Imperative.” with daily themes of:
Thursday: "The Earth, Lovingly Created "
Friday: "Immersed in Creation"
Saturday: "The Stewardship of Gods Goodness"
Sunday: "Finding Our Place"
Monday:"The Imperative to Act"
Here is the schedule of services that will be offered to view online via zoom if you are unable to attend in person.
Friday, August 30th: 7:00PM – 8:30
Saturday, August 31st: 7:00PM – 8:30
Communion Service Sunday, September 1st: 10:45 AM
Multicultural Service – Sunday, September 1st: 7:00PM
Closing Service – Monday, September 2nd: 10:00AM

Click here to register for Reunion 2023
Location: Nosoca Pines Ranch - 2990 Singleton Creek Rd, Liberty Hill, SC 29074 (map and directions)
Community of Christ members and friends often gather together in fellowship and learning experiences called reunions or family camps. This relaxed and casual atmosphere provides space for spiritual growth, personal discernment, incredible amounts of fun, deeper commitment, new and renewed relationships, and so very much more!
We invite you to come and join us for our annual Reunion experience with our guest ministers.
Please find a pet care option that works for you and come to this event without your pets.
NOTE: Housing is limited, and assigned as registrations arrive (first come, first served).
Event Registration Dates: April 7th - August 21, 2023
Event Cost: Is covered through donations. Make a one time donation under the category SEMC - Reunions (315)
Location: Nosoca Pines Ranch - 2990 Singleton Creek Rd, Liberty Hill, SC 29074
Event Dates: Thursday, August 31st - Monday, September 4th
Check-In begins at: Thursday at 3:00pm and will continue until 11:00pm
Print and complete the Relase Form and Waiver to bring with you.
Dinner is being served Thursday Evening.
The camp theme is "God, where is your Spirit leading next?” with daily themes of:
Thursday: "Awaken to New Possibilities"
Friday: "Ask and Dream"
Saturday: "Pay Attention"
Sunday: "Listen and Pray"
Here is the schedule of services that will be offered to view online via zoom if you are unable to attend in person.
Friday, September 1st : 7:00PM – 8:30
Saturday, September 2nd : 7:00PM – 8:30
Communion Service Sunday, September 3rd : 10:45 AM
Intergenerational Service – Sunday, September 43rd 7:00PM
Closing Service – Monday, September 4th 10:30AM
SEMC 2022 Reunion - Thank you. Link for giving: SEMC Reunion
SEMC 2022 Reunion called Nosoca Pines Ranch home from the afternoon of Thursday, September 1st until late morning on Monday, September 5th. With daily guest coming to share in the experience, we had approximately 100 friends and family members join on the path of the disciple.
Worship, fellowship, and education experiences were enhanced by our guest ministers.
Thank you to all who have giving of their Time, Talents, and Treasurers. The community has been blessed by you generosity.

Click here to register for Reunion 2022
Location: Nosoca Pines Ranch - 2990 Singleton Creek Rd, Liberty Hill, SC 29074 (map and directions)
Community of Christ members and friends often gather together in fellowship and learning experiences called reunions or family camps. This relaxed and casual atmosphere provides space for spiritual growth, personal discernment, incredible amounts of fun, deeper commitment, new and renewed relationships, and so very much more!
We invite you to come and join us for our annual Reunion experience with many guest ministers.
NOTE: Housing is limited, and assigned as registrations arrive (first come, first served).
Event Registration Dates: March 7th - August 22nd, 2022
Location: Nosoca Pines Ranch - 2990 Singleton Creek Rd, Liberty Hill, SC 29074
Event Dates: Thursday, September 1st - Monday, September 5th
Check-In begins at: Thursday at 3:00pm and will continue until 11:00pm
Dinner is being served Thursday Evening.
The camp theme is "The Road” with daily themes of:
Thursday: Take A Load Off
Friday: The Road Less Traveled
Saturday: Partners on the Path
Sunday: The Emmaus Road
Monday: Into the Light Zions Road
Here is the schedule of services that will be offered to view online via zoom if you are unable to attend in person.
Friday, September 2nd : 7:00PM – 8:30
Saturday, September 3rd : 7:00PM – 8:30
Communion Service Sunday, September 4th : 10:45 AM
Intergenerational Service – Sunday, September 4th 7:00PM
Closing Service – Monday, September 5th 10:30AM
Reunion Zoom Connection Information:
Meeting ID: 896 9386 1319
Passcode: 629980
One tap mobile
+13092053325,,89693861319#,,,,*629980# US
+13126266799,,89693861319#,,,,*629980# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
+1 309 205 3325 US
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 931 3860 US
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 386 347 5053 US
+1 564 217 2000 US
+1 669 444 9171 US
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 719 359 4580 US
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 896 9386 1319
Passcode: 629980
SEMC Easter Services
Sunday, March 14 - Theme "Accept the Light of the World" - Warner Robins and Savannah Congregations will Host
Sunday, March 21 - Theme "Know God" Kernersville and Charlotte Congregations will Host
Sunday, March 28 (Palm Sunday) Theme "Blessed in The One Who Comes" Greenville and Cary Congregations will Host
(former Apostle, Linda Booth, as guest speaker)
THURSDAY, evening, April 1, 7:00pm EST Dr. Bill and Linda Griffin will provide a Maundy Thursday service
Sunday, April 4 (Easter Sunday)- Theme "Is He The Messiah". Charleston and Atlanta North Congregations will Host.
(President Steve Veazey as guest speaker)
If you would like to attend, please contact your pastor or leadership team for the Zoom link, or William Cozzens-Bryant our communications leader.
Southeast USA Mission Center 2020 Conference
Online via Zoom – October 17, 2020