
PDF icon Community of Christ Registration Form with Release Consent and Waiver.pdf

Other Resources:

E-Tithing: This is a link to the Community of Christ E-Tithing. Click below the country of choice on "Give Now". Once there, it will allow one to give to thier place of choice, home congregation, or Mission Center.

Once you set up an e-tithing account, it will enable other giving options as well, such as giving to world church and organizations it supports.

International Headquarters Website - visit this site to learn more about our church and events taking place through out the world.

Find A Church - Directory of Community of Christ congregations throughout the world.

Administrator's Handbook - Find policies and procedures that are helpful to congregation leaders.

Administrator's Handbook Appendix - Useful forms including the "Recommendation for Ordination" form.

Herald House - Order church publications and other materials for education, worship experiences, and gifts.

We Share - This document provides important information aboutthe identity, mission, message, and beliefs of Community of Christ.

Worship Helps - Worship Resources