This will be a one-day event, with an optional gathering on Friday evening on the 21st for a fun night for those who want to come a day early(more information to come).
Theme: Where is Your Spirit Leading Me
Guest Ministry: Seventy Charlie Carter
Location: Greenville, SC Congregation
Coordinators: Bill Cozzens-Bryant, Tyler Grange
Registration Fee: $40
Registration Deadline February 15, 2025

SEMC Woman's Retreat-March 28th -30th 2025
Theme: Becoming Women of Blessing
Location: Lake Junaluska, NC (Lambuth Inn)
Coordinators: Nancy Evans and Andrea Johnson
Registration Fee: $200.00
Deadline for Fee/Registration: Feburary 1st 2025
Questions: Contact Nancy Evans at: nancyevans59@bellsouth.net or Andrea Johnson at: johnsons12012@yahoo.com

Attached is the SEMC weekly zoom opportunities for 2025. You will see day, time and zoom information to make it more fluid for you to connect and share in weekly events.
We look forward to sharing and growing together in these meaningful and informative connections.
We have several events scheduled in the South East Mission Center for 2025. Please feel free to mark your calendar with these dates, times and valuable information.